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Unlocking Conversion Potential: Data-Driven Insights for Stripe

Dive into our detailed analysis revealing the impact of strategic campaigns in specific Countries, the power of Browsers for conversions, and tailored recommendations to boost performance across all markets.


Before we dive in...

What we have covered

Data Validation

A thorough set of analyses on the dataset to ensure  the quality of the raw data.

Analytical framework

Used a streamlit app in snowflake to have a deep view of many aspects of the data

Data Visualization

A fleshed out Tableau Report to have an interactive and self-service view of the data

Data Driven Strategies

Full set of recomendations to put the insights into action

What's in the data?

Conversion rate data with the following profile:






Browser types



Executive Summary
VR Goggles


Executive summary of the Analysis


Conversion Rate

We have observed fluctuations in the conversion rate due to a surge in visits in country AC. Overall, the numbers are relatively flat with a slight decline over time and clear disparities among markets.


Traffic Volumes

Volumes have risen over 1000% in 20 weeks, with the latest week recording over 16M visits and a steady 7% week-over-week increase in traffic for the past 10 weeks. Conversion rates have remained relatively stable despite the surge.



There is a clear variation in performance by browser across all countries. Addressing root causes, such as performance and UX, can drive conversions and improve the overall program.



Volume: Countries fall into two segments: those with over 25M visits and those with less than 7M. This segmentation can help prioritize efforts if capacity is limited.

Performance: There are significant variations in conversion rates across markets, which can be investigated to improve performance in lower-performing areas.


Conversion Rate

Overview on the Weekly Conversion Rate and Trends

Initial Understanding of the data

What's the overall weekly coversion rate?

  • The Conversion rate shows some fluctuation, but overall a steady decline

  • Between weeks 7 and 8, there's a considerable spike from 35.7% to 40.3%​

More trends about the data
  • The latest data suggests a total of 16.5M of visits per week (7% increase week over week)​

  • Chrome is the most popular browser, with 95M visits and 55% of the overall volume.

  • We can segment the countries by visits in two groups:

    • Over 25M in traffic: AA, AC, AD and AH​

    • less than 7M in Traffic: AB, AE, AF, AG, AI and AJ

1- High Level Conversion Rate (1).png

Key Findings on the Conversion Rate


The 'Spike'

The spike that we observed during week 7 and 8 was driven by the Country AC.

The number of visits and conversions during this time more than doubled, and as the CR of this country is very high (70%+), it moved the overall conversion rate.


Browser matters

There is a clear disparity in conversion rate amongst the Browsers. 

Firefox has almost double the conversion rate of Chrome, which is responsible for 55% of the visits.


Stale Performance

Visits increased by over 1,000% in 20 weeks, yet the Rate remained relatively stable, dropping less than 2% points. This indicates a positive outlook, as performance didn't drop despite the surge in visits, but suggests potential for further improvement.​



The data shows significant performance disparities between countries, both in visits and conversion rates. The most notable difference in conversion rates is between AE (81%) and AA (13%).

Anchor 1

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.”

Sherlok Holmes

Suggested Actions and Next Steps


The 'Spike'

The increase in traffic in the country AC needs to be deeply investigated.

It could have been caused by data issues, more campaign investment or improvements.

The learnings on this can be very helpful to understand if we can translate the same across other markets.


Browser matters

The performance disparity among browsers reveals opportunity areas. While browser choice can reflect user type, other factors like performance and UX variations are significant. Firefox outperforms all other browsers in every country, whereas Chrome, despite having the most traffic, only surpasses Safari.


Stale Performance

Given the stagnant conversion rate, we need to explore more CRO opportunities. All countries exhibit similar behavior, indicating current efforts aren't significantly impacting conversions. The high volume of visits suggests a great opportunity to increase conversions by improving the rate by just a few percentage points.



Given the wide range of performance across countries, we can leverage the strengths of the highest-performing countries to boost the performance of the lower-performing ones. Market particularities are important, so some variations will always exist.
Segmenting traffic can help prioritize efforts towards the 25M+ group.

Visual Analysis of Key Points

Graphs illustrating the discussed points in the analysis provide a deeper understanding of volume segmentation and performance variations across different markets.

Country AC spike.jpg

The Spike

The chart shows how the number of visits more than doubled from week 7 to 8, which drives the overall conversion rate.



Split by browser.jpg


The chart displays the disparity in performance and volumes, as highlighted in the analysis.

CR by country.jpg

Stale Performance

In this analysis we can follow the overall trend of conversion rate and how the metric varies amongst the countries.

Thank you!

My name is Jean Filipe Gomes

I am a Senior Analyst professional with over 10 years of experience in data and analytics in Finance and Customer Operations teams.


I am super excited about the chance to join Stripe!

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